Self-Release Method.
Self-Release Method [1]
Strong, fast, aggressive skiers and racers who need settings higher than the ‘recommended settings’ on the Howell Release Adjustment Chart can use the Self-Release Method to obtain special 'discretionary settings' — only when the method is used correctly. The correct Self-Release Method also helps to assure that (a) strong, fast, aggressive skiers who need these special settings do not select grossly overtightened settings — as is otherwise typical in the absence of using the Self-Release Method; and the Self-Release Method also (b) helps to that all levels of skiers do not have a ‘gross impediment to release’.
First — together with your skis and boots — have Howell SkiBindings mounted and adjusted for proper function by a Certified Howell SkiBinding Technician (you can become one, on-line).
Next, select the proper ‘pre-setting’ from the Howell Release Setting Chart [2]. Adjust the binding’s indicator-settings to the chart-recommended ‘pre-settings’.
Forward Heel Self-Release Setting:
- Stand on one foot only with the boot firmly buckled as it is buckled during skiing.
- The ski must not be held fixed.
- Release the heel by assertively moving the top of the lower leg forward-and-downward — toward the near-forebody of the ski. Not too fast. Do NOT lunge forward with the opposite leg because this action can rupture the achillies tendon. Hold the back of a turned-around dining-room chair to mitigate falling.
- Readjust the heel indicator-setting until release occurs at the ‘comfort threshold’.
- Do not repeat this test more than 4 times with one leg in one session.
Lateral Toe Self-Release Setting:
- Place one ski on its inside edge by moving the knee slightly-inward; place weight on the ball of the foot; then slowly but assertively — cause the toe of the boot to move inward ... toward the ground … to cause full-lateral-toe-release. Fast movement must be avoided because this action does not cause the desired effect that is necessary for proper selection of the binding’s indicator-setting.
- Readjust the toe’s indicator-setting until full-lateral-toe-release occurs at the ‘comfort threshold’.
- Do not repeat this test more than 4 times with one leg in one session.
Lateral Heel Self-Release Setting:
• Match the lateral toe indicator setting that is derived by the Self-Release Method onto the lateral-heel-indicator-setting.
WARNINGS ! Injury can occur during improper use of the process to seek settings that are derived by the Self-Release Method: follow the above process, closely, to avoid injury. During skiing, lowered settings may cause inadvertent pre-release; increased settings may block necessary-release; Self-Release settings are ineffective if the binding is not supplying proper function as defined in the Howell SkiBindings Technical Manual.
Release Measurement:
A Howell Certified Technician should (optionally) measure the release of the complete ski-boot-binding system using measuring instruments — lateral-toe; forward-heel; lateral-heel — as described in the Howell SkiBindings Technical Manual; take appropriate service-action if necessary; record the measurements; provide a copy of the recorded measurements to the skier; provide Howell SkiBindings in-box instructions to the skier.
We require that all Howell SkiBindings are mounted and serviced by a Howell SkiBindings Certified Technician (you can become one, on-line) — and we recommend that you know what constitutes proper ski binding function. Please see the complete in-box instructions that are supplied with Howell SkiBindings for all of the necessary service-information.
Howell SkiBindings have been designed to release the ski from the boot laterally at the toe; vertically-downward as well as laterally-outward at the heel (3 modes) — and to retain the ski to the boot during controlled skiing maneuvers. Despite these features, injury may result from simply falling down or from impact with an object. An appropriately functioning ski binding may not release under all injury-producing circumstances. Skiing, like all athletic endeavors, involves a certain degree of risk that must be recognized and accepted. Additional information about the care and maintenance of Howell SkiBindings can be reviewed in the Howell SkiBindings in-box instructions and through the on-line Howell SkiBindings Help Center.
Copyright 2019 © by Howell SkiBindings (sm). All rights reserved.
Content may change without notice.
[1] This optional Self-Release Method is not part of ISO 8061 or any ISO standards.
[2] The recommended settings on the Howell Release Adjustment Chart conform to ISO 8061 and conform to related provisions within ISO 9462. Boots must conform to ISO 5355. Howell SkiBindings are not compatible with AT ski boots that have metal inserts for pin-bindings.